Even though we had our first snowfall this week and it's peppermint hot chocolate land all over the place, I'm slowly looking ahead to 2019. I can feel the pull to start fresh...I can't help it, I love starting things. And I'm also looking forward to it being 2019 so that I can say goodbye to this year of challenge. I don't think I've ever said that about a year, but yes, I am ready for a new one.
I've been using Tsh Oxenreider's 20 Reflection Questions for five years now. Her guide to reflecting over the year is just perfect. I always am surprised by something in my answers and I feel it essential to reflect before starting the new year - something I wouldn't have done before I read her post on this. Thank you, Tsh!
I'm slowly working my way through the answers this week- I hope you enjoy it as much as me!
Here's the link to her post and the guide: