This is the time for small. Not vast. Small. Like three or four pints of apricot jam, not twenty. Like a garden of one zucchini plant,...
Summer Pregnancy
Looking For Great Conversations
Season of Slippage
Habits For My Toddlers
Is There Just One Way To Love?
Moving Along Helps Me – Does it You?
Blowing Bubbles in the Snow
The Ballerina
Endings and Beginnings
Do you know where your Great-Grandparents lived and died? Does it matter?
Finding Your Way Out of Dullsville
What Physical Change Do You Need to Make? Or The Chair That Changed My Life
What Inspires You and How Do You Stay Inspired?
What Does it Mean to Close Your Eyes in Prayer?
Are Ideas Food for the Mind?
My Favorite Books of 2018
Criticism That Actually Makes a Difference
Celebration - My New Life Goal (This Involves Champagne)